Sick and Fat From 2 Common Foods 

You can’t ignore the controversy of the damage trans fats and high fructose corn syrup can do to your health.  So, this is not going to be your typical story.

No, this is going to be about common foods that are found in your fridge and on your table that cause health problems, such as:

  • Weight gain
  • Indigestion and digestive issues
  • Headaches
  • And more

What are these foods in your diet that in large quantities can be so devastating? Wheat and Dairy.

You don’t have to fret – you won’t have to avoid wheat and dairy forever.  But, let me show you

an interesting test that may help you decide what to do next.

Fat Loss Results With 2 Choices

There has been a test that many of my personal training and nutrition counseling clients have done to see their weight loss goals finally achieved.  It involves making some very simple dietary changes, which also happens to help to clear up other health problems.  The 2-week test included the following:

  1. Removing all wheat products from your diet and noticing changes in how you look and feel, as well as changes in body composition.
  2. Removing all dairy from your diet and noticing changes in how you look and feel, as well as changes in body composition.

Refraining from wheat and dairy for 2 weeks will showcase just what kind of health you are in.  If you reintroduce one at a time back into your diet, you can identify any negative healthy effects they have on you.

2 Dangers

The biggest 2 health problems most Americans face in their health might as well be from wheat and dairy. The intolerance for these 2 dangers are very commonplace and far reaching.

Let me repeat – this does not mean you have to avoid wheat and dairy for the rest of your life. What I do want you to know is by enrolling yourself in a 2-week voluntary wheat and dairy abstinence,  you might see:

  • A dramatic change in body fat
  • An increase in energy level
  • An improvement in how you look and feel
  • Overall health betterment

If you do the 2-week elimination of wheat and dairy and don’t feel it helped you at all or made you feel better, than you can probably do ok on moderate amounts of each.

Because we have so much wheat in our diet (breads, pastas, cakes, cereals, wraps, etc), a large percentage of the American population has some degree of intolerance to this grain. What we eat in large quantities, we often develop a small (or big) allergy to it.

The most severe form of a wheat intolerance is Celiac disease.  But, a general or mild resistance to absorbing and digesting wheat causing a host of health problems can be reversed by eliminating wheat from the diet. Interestingly enough, by excluding wheat from you diet – even for 2 weeks – can increase fat loss.

Just recently, one client of mine got ride of her chronic headaches when gave up wheat from her diet.  She had suffered headaches for years, but eliminating wheat gave her peace of mind – along with some body fat she lost, too!

Afraid of Wheat, Germs or Fat?

I’m not afraid of wheat.  The only time I eat wheat is when I am at a restaurant, party or event because it is next to impossible to avoid as part of the Standard American Diet served up across the country.

But let me say that I have absolutely nothing in my cupboards at home that contains wheat.  Occasionally, I might have some sprouted grain, but it is must easier to avoid wheat when you don’t have it stocked in the kitchen!

The funny thing is though I try to avoid wheat like the plague, I do not feel the same way about dairy – but only if it is raw milk or raw cheese from grass-fed cows.  I do try to avoid pasteurized or homogenized milk products because I feel they are not suitable for long term consumption (but that’s another story for another day). If I can’t get raw dairy, I choose to go dairy-free (with the exception of small amounts of yogurt).

It might surprised you that those who classify themselves as lactose intolerance may actually drink raw milk without any consequences?  This is because the live enzymes and friendly bacteria in raw milk aid in the digestion of the lactose and the proteins in milk. These enzymes and friendly bacteria are destroyed in pasteurized milk, which makes it more difficult to digest for many people.

This kind of controversy should spur you to do your own research.  Check out for some milk education, as well as search for milk co-ops or farms selling raw milk for the average citizen. They are often willing to deliver to urban areas, but just make the co-ops are certified to produce and sell raw milk. More often than not, most raw milk farms are the cleanest operations in the entire dairy industry.

If you have a thing about germs, let me tell you that I have never gotten sick from drinking raw milk. I drink about 1-2 gallons per week, for about 6 years now and nobody I know or have heard of have gotten sick from raw milk. So, disregard the “dangers” of raw milk.  There are far more unhealthy consequences from pasteurized milk. People are more likely to get sick from pasteurized milk, because mass factory farms are generally dirtier operations with animals that are in poorer health than grass-fed raw milk farms.

The rumors of full-fat milk making you fatter should also be

dispelled.  After drinking skim milk for most of my life and now full-fat raw milk for the last 6 years, I am leaner than before. In fact, I’m in the best shape of my life right now.

One more reason to enjoy full-fat, raw grass-fed milk: high levels of fat-burning muscle building CLA (and omega-3s!).

Back from the tangent… I think this elimination of wheat and (pasteurized) dairy is one of the most important tests anyone can easily do to see if wheat and dairy are negatively affecting them. After all, it’s only 2 weeks to test yourself!

Last Taste Test

1. Just to clarify, eggs are not in the dairy family. You may find them in the same section of the grocery store, but there is absolutely no dairy in eggs.  Eggs are ikn the MEAT category because of their great protein.They are perfectly safe in terms of nutrition density.

2. In your 2-week elimination test diet, avoiding wheat means passing on almost ALL processed foods since wheat and wheat components are found in many processed foods and can cause health problems.

Good luck with the test if you try it!  Many people find it to be one of the best things they’ve done for their health.

Further Related Reading:


by Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of best-seller:  The Truth about Six Pack Abs



