Maybe you can identify with this pattern:

  • Not reacting well to manmade products.
  • Things that are all-natural have a much better chance of working.
  • You want more control of your environment.
  • Everything you once loved has fallen away and you are left with just yourself and ill health.

Home Cures That Work for Multiple Chemical SensitivityIf this sounds like you or you are wondering what things cause you to feel so lousy, then it is imperative you understand Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).

MCS involves multiple-organ symptoms due to low levels of chemical exposure. These symptoms can include:

  • Sudden bouts of sneezing or itchy eyes
  • Fragrances that make you wheeze or gasp for breath
  • Inexplicable mental confusion
  • Sleeplessness and perpetual fatigue
  • Achy joints
  • Dizziness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Upset stomach, nausea and/or diarrhea
  • And more!

Many people who have MCS began with an acute toxic event such as an exposure to industrial chemicals, alcohol poisoning or chemotherapy. With some, MCS coincided with the onset of a chronic disease such as lupus or fibromyalgia. For others, repeated exposure to the barrage of manmade chemicals in our modern world simply lowered their resistance over time.

What causes MCS varies from person to person. But one defining attribute we all have is a heightened sensitivity to environmental toxicity.

So the question is what causes you to feel so bad? Is it food? Places? People? Things? See the short list of criteria for MCS.

The next vital step in recovery from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is cessation of putting toxicity into your body. Detox and eliminate the triggers that have already been absorbed in your body.

System rebuilding can also bring the essential healing you so desperately crave. Clean out your system and rebuild it with clean and healthy foods to set the stage for rapid improvements to follow.

I believe there is a way for your life to dramatically improve, unhindered by chemical reactions! This Home Cures That Work issue for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity offers detox and preventative strategies that you can immediately put into place… instead of spending months or years discovering them on your own.

You can THRIVE once again….and shave years off of your recovery with Home Cures That Work.

P.S. Have you considered that you may be introducing toxins into your body via your clothes? Finding out how to manage your clothes can bring much relief from MCS symptoms.

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