by Jessica Sanders

Some vaccines are useful, that’s true. For example, recommended vaccines against diseases, viruses and infections you may come in contact with when traveling abroad are useful.

“Vaccines can be helpful under certain conditions,” according to Dr. Scott Saunders.

Yet, Saunders also agrees that many are dangerous, with extreme risks outweighing the minimal benefit. The CDC recommends nearly, “65 shots per child before the age of 5, and I think most of those are unnecessary,” he says.

So, what vaccines do you need and which ones do you avoid like the plague?

Not every medical professional will agree on one list of good and bad vaccines. In fact, each doctor will likely have a different answer about which vaccine is safe. The need arises for you to educate yourself about whether or not vaccines are safe and the right choice for you and your family.

 vaccine debateWhat Vaccines Do

To determine which vaccines are necessary and which are just plain dangerous, it’s important to consider what a vaccine, in it’s purest form, is actually supposed to do in your body. The Oregon Health Authority gives a great definition:

Vaccines protect people from disease by strengthening a body’s immune response. A vaccine’s antigens help a body makes infection-fighting antibodies to fight disease invaders. If the actual disease germs ever attack the body, the antibodies will still be there to destroy them. Vaccines will make people immune to a disease without having to suffer through that disease.”

Unfortunately, vaccines and modern health professionals have changed. They are more like vampire corporations sucking the life out of children. The fact is doctors can make a horrible mistake when they assume everything they know is right. Vaccines no longer do just what they’re meant to do; some may even cause more problems than they fix.

What to Look For

Before you vaccinate yourself or your children at the doctor’s office, here are a few things to consider. For example:

Harmful Toxins

The preservative thimerosal is commonly found in flu shots, which is a known toxin with powerful neurological problems and often contains up of 50% mercury. It is used to prevent contamination by bacteria. While it in the process of being phased out from routine childhood vaccines, it is still prevalent in vaccines for older children and adults. There are thimerosal-free vaccines, so ask you doctor about these options.


Yes, your doctor says there may be side-effects like soreness at the injection site and fever, but the less talked about side-effects like seizures, infection, joint pain, life-threatening allergic reactions, conjunctivitis and respiratory symptoms are what parents are really concerned about. Only 1 to 10 percent of these side-effects are ever reported, according to, so it makes sense that many don’t realize such hard reactions are common.

Still, most doctors will agree that gaining natural immunity by allowing yourself or your children to contract diseases such as chicken pox, instead of getting the vaccines, is still riskier than the vaccines themselves. Complications and other health problems can stem from the one sickness, which is potentially more dangerous.

So, what does Dr. Scott Saunders say?

The Vaccine That’s Good: Tetanus

You should get your tetanus shot every 10 to 20 years, but the best thing is that you can wait until there’s an injury to get this one.

The Vaccine That’s Bad: Flu Shot

“The flu shot is another fraud perpetrated to the American public,” according to Dr. Saunders. “What you’re getting in the shot is not what the CDC statistic is.” Most of these stats, Saunders says, include other illnesses like pneumonia, viruses, and respiratory infections. While the flu is included it in this number, the vaccine can do nearly nothing in affecting these other sicknesses.

Not to mention the risks don’t come close to outweighing the benefits. Just 5 flu shots in a lifetime can increase your risk for Alzheimer’s because the shot is a neurotoxin. Because of this, there’s a permanent neurological risk, and in some studies no benefits at all. Instead, turn to Vitamin D, which has been proven to decrease flu virus.

Educate Yourself

If your only protection from dangerous vaccinations is knowledge, how do you get the information you need? There are a variety of sources that will help you come to the right conclusions:

  • National Vaccination Information Center: Head to for a complete picture of who needs what vaccine, what the side-effects are, reported incidents and more. Check out the Diseases and Vaccines page to start.
  • Manufacturer’s Product Package Inserts: Here you can find warnings, precautions, and adverse reactions directly from the manufacturer.
  • Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System: Any and all adverse reactions are to be reported here. Because they receive up to 30,000 reports annually, you can be sure you’re getting a well-rounded picture. Read through VAERS’s basic resources to start.

The risk of getting vaccines has long been debated—do they outweigh the benefits? Not one medical professional can answer that for you. In fact, it’s more likely that each one will have a different stance on the subject. The only way to combat potentially dangerous vaccines is to do your own research. Turn to the most trusted resources like VAERS and NVIC so you can determine symptoms, adverse reactions and toxic ingredients before making a trip to the doctors.

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