Many women are unaware they are suffering from symptoms caused from an internal imbalance triggered by antibiotics.  Few people realize how antibiotics interfere with the natural immune system, one which depends upon a delicate balance between acid pH and alkaline pH, between helpful microorganisms and harmful ones.

One of the worst of these is toxic yeast called Candida albicans. It’s normal to have some Candida in your digestive tract, but only when kept in check by your helpful microorganisms, known as probiotics.

Antibiotics, literally means “anti” life, the opposite of this is probiotics, which means “pro” or “for life.” Antibiotics act similar to chemotherapy in the sense that these treatments kill off both your immune system and the invaders. The bottom line is doing harm to your body isn’t highly recommended.

In fact, antibiotic use is known to create super bugs. These are bacterial strains that take on super resistant powers, making common infections potentially deadly, such as, staph infections, as with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (1) (MRSA.)

Preliminary findings reveal that gynecologists agree antibiotics are still over prescribed leading to antibiotic resistance (2). The problem of antibiotic resistance is well recognized. Doctors who prescribe too often or continue treatment too long are only making the problem worse.

Antibiotic overuse isn’t limited to one area of medicine. For example, even though antibiotics do not affect viruses and only attack bacterial infections, doctors still prescribe antibiotics for nearly 83% of acute sinus infections and roughly 70% of chronic sinus infections, despite viruses, not bacteria, are the most common cause (3).

Once the healthy bacteria and helpful microorganisms in your body are chemically wiped out by antibiotic overuse, harmful organisms like Candida albicans can grow unbelievably fast.

Vaginal Yeast Infections Are Caused By Candida Albicans

Medically called candidiasis or monilia, a fully fledged vaginal yeast infection is triggered by a change in your internal environment, such as a shift in pH. Other factors besides antibiotic use include an increase in body temperature, prolonged moisture or an increase in sugar.

Antibiotics are probably the number one cause of vaginal yeast infections in America. The only solution is to restore natural balance to your entire body, which in turn will help maintain the natural balanced ecosystem in the vaginal area.

Here’s a few other ways to help prevent yeast infections:

  • Avoid spermicidal nonoxynol-9. It washes away the natural layer that protects your vagina.
  • Avoid chemicals, dyes and perfumes. These can upset delicate balance and lead to yeast infections.
  • Avoid non-organic fabrics or tight clothes, use breathable natural cloth, or nothing at all.
  • Avoid refined sugar that feed yeast or yeast containing foods like white bread or beer.
  • Avoid taking any hormones or steroids. These change pH and can trigger yeast infections.
  • Avoid having a weak immune system. This is the best way to live yeast infection free.

Universal Rule #1: Woman does NOT have To Suffer From Yeast Infection, EVER!

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1) MRSA is, by definition, any strain of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that has developed resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics, which include the penicillins (methicillin, dicloxacillin, nafcillin, oxacillin, etc.) and the cephalosporins.
2) Shah M, et al. “Quality of prophylactic, perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in gynecologic surgery: Too much of a good thing?” Gynecol Oncol 2008; 108(suppl 1):S149. Abstract 341.
3) Treatment of Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis in the United States, 1999-2002. Hadley J. Sharp, BS; David Denman, MD; Susan Puumala, MS; Donald A. Leopold, MD Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007;133(3):260-265.

