Vegetable Diet Tips to Burn Belly Fat by flickr Mikenan1I’m going to talk to you about something that may be a little sensitive for you…

Now we’re both adults here and I don’t feel the need to sugarcoat this so here goes…your hormones may be sabotaging your weight and beauty.

See, there are certain, toxic chemicals you’re exposed to every day through no fault of your own (they’re nearly impossible to avoid unless you live in a bubble).

They’re in your food…they’re in your water…in the air you breath…and they’re building up in your body.

As you age, these chemicals trigger an imbalance called The Estrogen Effect and it can cause you to age prematurely…and grind your ability to lose weight to a screeching halt.


Because The Effect stimulates your body to store Belly Fat instead of using it for energy.

Put another way – unavoidable chemicals are causing your Belly Fat!

Luckily I have a simple answer that will help you FIGHT The Estrogen Effect, nourish your natural beauty, and keep you looking and feeling your best far into your golden years.

The secret comes from special class of common veggies

They’re packed with a key phytonutrient that has the power to restore order to your hormones, burn off persistent weight gain, and could even begin to reverse the premature aging that comes with hormonal imbalance and extra body fat.

It’s really a miracle…

skinny belly fat vegetables by flickr  A m o r e C a t e r i n aSo what is this special class of veggies?

They’re called cruciferous vegetables:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Bock choy
  • Collard greens
  • Radishes

And they can help you regain control of your body – and finally look the way you want naturally.

Yes – it’s just that simple. But what’s that you say?

You’re NOT a veggie fan? 

I get it…

I wasn’t either until I discovered a few helpful tips to make your taste-buds sing.

Here Are 5 quick tips to Help

You Get More Vegetables Into Your Diet (and enjoy it):

1. Get All Dressed Up

Add some olive oil and garlic, salt-free spice blends, and when you GO GREEN, GO NUTS! Raw walnuts and almonds are healthy and taste great in veggie dishes.

2. Wash ‘em down

Juice your veggies with some fruit to add sweetness and a healthy boost of flavor.

3. Hide – No Need to Seek

Throw ‘em in a salad or tuck them away into a casserole. You won’t even know they’re there!


Dazzle Them With Color

Making the plate pretty automatically enhances the flavor of any food.

5. Get Them All Up In Your Grill

27 Natural Remedies for Fat Loss and FitnessIt’s a healthy way to cook and really adds a great “backyard” flavor to your veggies.

All of these tips are a great way to start incorporating more vegetables into your meals and help you shed unwanted layers belly fat, but there’s much more you can do in addition to adding these miracle foods to your diet

<<27 Natural Remedies for Fat Loss>>


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