You may have heard that any kind of pasta recipe will only make you fatter, and has no place in a healthy diet, let alone to burn fat.

My good friends Rob and Kalen Poulos have been proving that idea wrong for the last 4 years, with this delicious pasta recipe below that actually helped them burn fat off and loose the 101 pounds they used to lug around.

You can learn more about how they had such news worthy success with their own personal weight loss battles here:

Now, here's Rob and Kalen's little 10 MINUTE PASTA RECIPE TO BURN FAT that you can try right now:

Okay, the main idea here is to include a certain type of pasta that is much higher in fiber than regular pastas, BUT also to include several other nutrient rich foods in the process.

This makes it a VERY satisfying meal, so you don't end up eating endless amounts of carbs, which is usually what happens when you are served a traditional pasta dish.

So, here's the pasta recipe:

  1. 8 oz. of multigrain pasta (I use Trader Joe's Multigrain w/Flax)
  2. 1 bag organic frozen broccoli
  3. 1/2 bag organic frozen peas
  4. 2 boneless chicken breasts (I use organic f.ree-range)
  5. 8 oz. tomato sauce (I use Trader Joe's sauces made from organic plum tomatoes)
  6. Additional Italian seasoning if desired

Bring water to a boil then reduce to medium high heat. Throw the pasta in first for about 5 minutes, then follow with the frozen veggies for another 5 minutes or so.

Finally add, the chicken breast (which you will have pre cooked), drain the water, and stir i

n the tomato sauce.

This will get you about 4 servings, with each serving providing about:

  • 36 grams protein
  • 42 grams carbs
  • 8 grams fat
  • 11 grams fiber
  • 384 calories

The only problem with this meal is it could use a bit more fat!  So, sometimes I'll add a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil after it's finished cooking. (To the whole amount, not per serving!)

The real secret in this recipe is that we're using a type of pasta that includes a high amount of fiber compared to the total carbs…This slows the blood sugar spike you'd get when eating regular white pastas.

Of course, by mixing it in balance with the chicken and high nutrient veggies, you have a delicious, nutritious  meal to burn fat.

Bon Appetit!

Here are the other important facts from this unique couple and  their fat loss story you'll want to know about before heading over to their website:

  1. They did it by enjoying delicious foods several times a day, EVERY DAY, never hungry a minute.
  2. They DID NOT do one minute of “cardio” exercise, but still lowered their resting heart rate and re-captured that near-boundless energy of a spry teenager.
  3. In addition to the weight loss, he lost nearly 10 INCHES OF BELLY FAT, and she dropped 8 DRESS SIZES, going from a 12 to a 4.
  4. They did this all while doing almost the EXACT OPPOSITE of what most fitness experts have been teaching us for years.

I don't have time to repost the full story in this newsletter, but you're probably already wondering about all the other details. Don't worry, you're going to learn everything you need to know in the presentation (including the inspiring before and after pics) at this website, right here:

You also learn the 5 biggest weight loss mistakes you've probably been making, among all the tricky little details of their fascinating, life-changing discovery.

Enjoy the pasta recipe to burn fat, and you'll thank me later 😉


