You Have 90 Days Until The Iodine Health Risks Disappear
You have 90 days from the “initial” nuclear fallout to protect you and your loved ones from iodine health risks.
As you are reading this, the radioactive isotopes of the 6 Fukushima nuclear reactors are decaying away; and they will continue to decay for at least a year.
That means to maintain a controlled nuclear meltdown the power plant will be constantly releasing these radioactive gases to relieve the extreme heat and pressure until March 2012 . . . or longer.
For the 90 days, “the first radioactive isotopes” to fall out of the sky will be a “deadly form of iodine.” After that, the iodine health risks should be less . . . unless each nuclear reactor has its own chain reaction, which would initiate another “90 day cycle” of deadly iodine isotopes into the sky.
That’s why it’s vital that you ensure you and your loved ones do NOT suffer from an iodine deficiency this year.
Picture your cells having special docking stations for the good form of iodine. As long as you have enough good iodine, your cellular docking stations will be stocked full to capacity.
Here’s The Challenge:
IF your cells are depleted of good iodine, these special iodine docking stations are left open and vulnerable for “any” form of iodine, friendly or not.
With the real threat of radioactive iodine fallout being carried around the globe by the jet-stream, you’ll want to be certain your cells have plenty of the “right” kind of iodine.
Otherwise, the radioactive iodine isotopes can attach to your cellular docking sites and cause severe biological damage throughout your soft tissues and organs.
Using iodine supplements like nascent iodine or Lugal’s iodine is important — especially important if you’re exposed to radiation.
Currently, Japan is passing out “radiation pills” containing potassium iodine by the truckloads. So, take that as a hint and make sure you’re covered.
Even if by some miracle the Fukushima fallout doesn’t reach you this time, America is penetrated by nuclear plants in every direction. Sadly, many of these are built right along major fault lines that run up and down California’s coast.
I don’t know if you heard . . . but the ongoing shift of the earth’s magnetic poles is responsible for dozens of active volcanoes, earth quakes and continental drifting, including the Japanese 9.1 earthquake we just witnessed.
Why not be prepared?
IF there’s more earth shaking events in store for planet earth, then what?
What Causes Iodine Deficiency?
The ONLY thing you really own is your health . . . once you lose your health, no amount of money can buy it back.
That’s why it’s vital you supplement with iodine “before” you’re exposed to fallout.
Chlorine, a proven carcinogen, depletes your natural iodine stores. Table salt is chemically “sodium chloride.” Sodium is a mineral, but chloride is a halogen, making table salt a chemical halide.
Using iodized salt to deliver iodine is self defeating, because the more chlorine you’re exposed to, the faster your iodine is depleted through “halogen displacement.”
Likewise, bromine also depletes iodine in your cells. Bromine is a common cellular disruptor like chlorine and it competes for the special iodine “docking stations” on your cells, blocking iodine’s absorption.
Here are some sources of bromine: Hot tubs, Mountain Dew, pesticides, fire retardant, hair products and cosmetics. Bromine is also used as a dough conditioner in bread containing “enriched white flour.”
Eat foods rich in iodine, such as:
- Radishes
- Asparagus
- Carrots
- Tomatoes
- Spinach
- Rhubarb
- Potatoes
- Peas
- Strawberries
- Mushrooms
- Lettuce
- Bananas
- Cabbage
- Egg yolk
- Onions
- Cod liver oil
Drink naturally (chlorine-free) alkaline water. Consume sprouted-whole grain breads and supplement with a quality source of iodine. Try nascent iodine or Lugal’s iodine.
You were born to heal,
Martin Jacobse
Health Advocate
P.S. Both cesium and strontium have already been detected in the air and will be with us for another 30 years. They even may be in our food chain for 300 years or more . . . There is no doubt the nuclear reactors have been breached. Remember 3 mile island and Chernobyl? They hid the truth as long as they could. That’s why my research team will keep you up to date on anything that may help you. Meanwhile, be prepared. Prayers and blessings.
P.P.S. What other precautions should you take? Tell us how you are protecting yourself from potential risks! What are the rich iodine foods you are eating?
Thanks for the warning. I have emailed this to my children scattered all over the world. Will certainly
start taking baking soda and iodine supplements for the
next 90 days.My heart and prayers go out to the people of Japan and
ask that God spares them from their sufferings. -
Thank you for this newsletter. We are in the Upper Pen of Michigan, but our children are scattered. I will forward this to them. We try to eat organic fruits and vegetables, but this will create a problem, of the purity of the air.
Thanks again
I live in an area that’s in the path of the fallout and anything that works for protection has been sold out long time ago. Lots of poor people in our little town and even if you could buy it most of these folks don’t have the money anyway.Most of us are just sitting here watching the news and laughing at how well they lie.
Thank you. We will add a few more of the iodine rich foods to our diet & forward the info to our families. However, I have just read another side to the story.
Below is a quote from
“It would be unprecedented to get accurate news about this event.”
Please goto:
to read this side of the story. It is very difficult to know which side to believe. I hope that everyone will continue to read & post information concerning the situation.Snopes listed these sources:
Jackson, David. “Obama Aide: Little Chance that Japan Radioactivity Will Drift to U.S.,, USA Today. 14 March 2011.
Schneider, Andrew. “No Reason to Panic in US Over a Nuclear Meltdown in Japan.” AOL News. 14 March 2011.
Los Angeles Times. “California ‘Too Far’ for Japan Radiation to Reach, Officials Say.” 15 March 2011. -
I have been watching T.V. about this Fall out scare and All The Doctors have said not to take the Iodine pills unless the fall out is eminate, not that you can find them any where. If your not the type that runs scared every time something comes up you can’t get what you need if it does actually happen.
I believe that there is a major difference between being panicky and being naive. One of the News Media’s Major jobs, is to help keep down panic. I “personally” would prefer to play it safe now Than to be sorry later. There are many ways to get the right kind of iodine, as insinuated in this article above, and other places. I own my choices! Do you own yours?
First I want to thank everyone for getting involved and staying on this event. I know it all seems over whelming at times, enough to make your head spin,but that’s why this forum is so important.
Being well informed prevents panic . . .let’s learn how to stay informed, alert and better prepared by sharing important intelligence when we find it . . .
Stay informed, be alert and get prepared . . .Let me say this, all we can do is prepare for “low-level exposure” to the initial iodine isotope 136, which has a shorter half life of around 90 days.
Whether you eat kelp or supplement with nascent iodine as I do now, the point is to supplement “before” the low level risk exposes you.
There is nothing I can tell you to do if there is a meltdown because then we wouldn’t be dealing with low level iodine 136, we would be concerned about highly radioactive uranium, strontium and even plutonium.
The jet stream appears to keep us down wind from everything over there in Japan . . .so please simply be aware and do the best you can with what you have.
Learn everything you can and share it.
Did you know that it’s estimated that 90% or more of Americans already suffer from a deficiency of the essential trace mineral iodide?
So why not plan on getting it into your diet as soon as possible and make sure it stays at an adequate level???
In the case of a radiation risk we can always increase dosages as exposure becomes eminent. Personally I’m not waiting until the last second. I desire to enjoy the benefits of having adequate trace minerals now.
Another source of trace minerals I always recommend is Celtic Sea salt- is raw and unrefined, plus it helps activate enzymes in raw vegetables for optimum digestion. Another is Aqualyte and Ionyte (www.
Here are some of the benefits of taking a food support supplements such as nascent iodine:
Increases cellular metabolism
Nourishes the thyroid gland
Naturally elevates your body’s pH
Aids in excretion of toxic fluoride, bromine and chlorine
Assists chelation of heavy metals mercury, cadmium, and lead.
Supports healthy breast tissue, prostate, and ovaries
Increases antioxidant activity and immune system function
Assists in regulating mood
A hidden blessing in all this chaos is that now “we all know” how important trace minerals are, especially iodine. Plus I learned that supplementing with the “right” source of iodine can help counteract the toxic fluoride and chlorine in our drinking water.
Many experts agree fluoride makes people passive and easy to control . . .the Nazi’s used it with that intent against the Jews during their holocaust.
Personally, I want to be completely aware no matter what happens, it’s my life and it’s my prerogative . . . I hope you feel the same. We need people like you to stand up and be aware, be alert and be ready.Blessings.
Live well,
[…] In tomorrow’s post, I will cover more about what you can do. This letter’s purpose is to instill a sense of urgency and give you hope as we pray for those people caught in harm’s way of this tragic event. […]