Linus Pauling Protocol for High Blood Pressure
Linus Pauling won a nobel prize for his scientific research regarding Vitamin C and many different health ailments.
He wrote a book called “How to Live Longer and Feel Better”, in which he recommended controlling heart disease by taking large doses of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Super B-Complex, refraining from sugar, and drinking a lot of water.
You can learn more about this protocol here.
There is also a video link at the bottom of that page.
Other research has suggested Vitamin C as one of the key ingredients in curing different forms of aggressive cancer!
I don’t have a natural remedy report for cancer (yet), but I do have a website for high blood pressure… you should check out how to lower your blood pressure by clicking here.
Joe, have you thought about checking out germanium
as an alternative to chemo and radiation as it
relates to cancer. Although we can’t legally classify
a supplement as a “cure”, I think you might like what
you find: