By Underground Health Reporter

How can a simple, inexpensive yet widely available mineral offer powerful protection against cancer? Selenium does and here is how.  With a 200 mcg daily dose of selenium, you can:

  • Slash breast cancer risk by 82%
  • Reduce colon and rectal cancer risk by 69%
  • Cut prostate cancer risk by 54%
  • Cut lung cancer risk by 39%—even if you are a smoker!

The past few decades of randomized, double-blind and placebo controlled trails have shown selenium is worth its weight in gold …and worth every penny (though you don’t need many) to fight cancer.

  • Gerhard Schrauser M.D., published his breast cancer research in 1982.
  • The research on prostate, colorectal, and lung cancer was conducted by Larry Clark, M.D. and published in the Journal of The American Medical Association. This study used the gold standard of research methodology and took place over 7 years. It compared the effects of patients given 200 mcg of selenomethionine (a type of selenium) with placebo.

Earth Shattering Results

Despite the “War on Cancer,” Dr. Peter Glidden, N.D., has strongly aired in public the surprising lack of recognition of the benefits of selenium against cancer.

“The results were earth shattering,” says Dr. Glidden, “but because they involved the use of a mineral supplement, and not a prescription drug, they were overlooked. Imagine the media frenzy that a cancer drug that reduced the occurrence of breast cancer by 82% would receive! Your doctor should have called you up immediately and passed on this news to you, but this is probably the first time that you have heard it.”

Selenium is cancer protection in a bottle.  The amazing data from these findings, merit adding the $5 bottle for 100 capsules of 200 mcg to your supplement regimen.

What Is Selenium Anyway?

Selenium is a natural trace mineral that is important to the production of antioxidants that protects the body from damage caused by free radicals.

You can consume selenium in your diet by eating plant foods such as:

  • Wheat germ
  • Oats
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Mushrooms

However, the quality of selenium in the plants you eat depends on the richness of the soil and its mineral content from the region it was grown. As you may well know, poor farming practices in America since the 1930s have left much of our topsoil mineral deficient. This is one of the reasons organic produce usually contains more nutrients, including selenium, over produce from agribusiness.

Other source of selenium include:

  • Eggs and poultry
  • Seafood including tuna, salmon, shrimp, and halibut

However, plant sources are a safer option due to contamination from polluted waters.

Your best shot at getting the most selenium is from Brazil nuts. A single Brazil nut provides more than 50 mcg of selenium—more than the recommended daily allowance.

Considering that the patients in the studies were taking 200 mcg daily – in addition to whatever selenium they obtained from foods – experts are suggesting that you aim for a combined total of 300 mcg of selenium daily (at minimum) to fully capitalize on its cancer protection benefits.

How Selenium Fights Cancer

Selenium is your protection against cancer because:

  • It disrupts the carcinogenic process before it begin
  • It prevents tumors from forming with its antioxidant properties
  • Of its ability to inhibit DNA mutations

One additional benefit of selenium is promoting thyroid health. Selenium converts stored thyroid T4 hormones into active T3 hormones. Your endocrine system requires this conversion in order to function properly.

Interestingly enough, endocrine balance is crucial for preventing breast and prostate cancers—two of the cancers selenium benefits are proven to fight.

Tips for Supplementing with Selenium

First, grab yourself a handful for organic Brazil nuts!

Second, selenium supplements are available wherever vitamins are sold, at a cost of just pennies. According to the experts, combine selenium with zinc. These two minerals offer a stronger cancer protection.

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