When that burn in your stomach and throat comes from ab-busting sit-ups and crunches…Or, when the fire in your heart is fueled by jogging…Then, you have a choice to make: stop exercising or extinguish the flame that smolders your efforts toward good health.

Have ever wondered if they were related?

Heartburn can interrupt every part of your life. If you are interested in driving your body to its healthy best, but are shut down by the pain of acid reflux when you exercise, then you need to check out this FREE information on exercise versus acid reflux disease.

So, I have a question for you…

Now, now – before you roll your eyes because you had no intention of being quizzed, let me just tell you it is a simple true or false question. I’ll even give you the answer! So, here it goes:

True or false: Exercise causes acid reflux?

TRUE. Under certain circumstances, exercise can cause acid to creep up into your esophagus and light a fire in your stomach and chest.

The pain can be very intense and may cause you to have to bring your activities to a screeching halt.

But, don’t worry – I am here to help. I am going to share my lessons so you can learn not to burn during physical activity. So, whether you crunch, swim, jog, kick-box or hula hoop you can have no acid reflux pain, more gain.

Here is what I am talking about…

1. When your food sits, the acid spits.

Eating before you exercise is rarely a good idea.

When you get into physically strenuous activities, your blood effectively turns its back on your digestive system and runs to the muscles being used. When this happens, your small intestines aren’t forced to work harder; they actually work smarter.

Until the blood comes back, your digestive system keeps the food in your stomach so it can be properly digested when the blood returns.

Now, here is the kicker: the longer the undigested food stays in your stomach, the more acid is produced. Thus, the greater the chance for acid reflux pain and heartburn.

So if you must eat, choose small portions of easily digested food and wait ample time for digestion to occur before hitting the gym.

2. When your food whirls, the acid swirls.

Remember your mother telling you to wait an hour after eating before going swimming? Turns out she was right!

As in the above example, food will sit longer in your stomach if you do not let it digest before physical activity. If the activity is particularly strenuous or involves profound movement, while the blood is out helping your muscles move your body, the undigested food in your stomach tends to roll around…sloshing back and forth…up and down…side-to-side…along with the extra acid that has been pickling its contents.

The acid becomes displaced as it splashes around with the undigested food and sprays into your esophagus. Then, instead of having fun, you have to be done.

So, listen to your mother and wait an hour after eating before exercising. She always knows what is best for you – protecting you from acid reflux disease!

3. Fatty foods can be quite rude.

Here is something to remember: the higher the fat content, the longer it takes to digest. So in keeping with the slow digestion theme here, if you eat fatty foods, then be prepared to wait even a little longer before engaging in physical activity.

To add insult to injury, fatty foods require a greater amount of acid to do the digestion job. Fats are really a double-trouble food that should be avoided whether you are looking to take a run, take the field, take a swim or take some reps.

Stay away from citrus, chocolate, coffee and tomato products, too.

The good news is eat carbohydrates before your activities. They digest quickly and pass through your stomach with ease. Whole grain carbs will even greatly reduce your reflux symptoms from exercises like light yoga to even hard-core training.

4. Have a drink.

It is no secret that when you exercise you lose valuable fluids through perspiration. So, it is important to rehydrate by drinking plenty of fluids – namely water. This also helps move digested food through your system and reduces the risk of painful acid reflux.

But, certain fluids should be avoided at all costs.

Those would be soda and citrus juices. These beverages will bring on the pain by enticing acid production, which could lead to a hearty reflux flair-up. Drinking caffeinated beverages after a work-out can actually relax the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), inviting acid to travel into the danger zone.

5. If you want to feel energized, then find the right exercise.

The benefits of appropriate exercise far outweigh the risk of suffering from acid reflux pain. So if you have acid reflux disease, you need to experiment and find the right moves that make you feel energized while keeping your condition from stopping your progress.

Sit-ups and crunches place pressure on your stomach and digestive system. Swimming and yoga can cause you to be horizontal which can level the playing field between your stomach and esophagus.

The only way to exercise efficiently without ending up doubled over in pain is to try different things and eat right – as I have described here.

Exercise allows you to lose weight and reduce the pressure on your stomach that can cause heartburn. So, dabble in a variety of exercises. Be mindful of the foods you eat and the timing between eating and exercise so that reflux will not inhibit your progress in the quest for a new, healthier you.

