Alright, if you're reading this blog, you probably have purchased one of Barton Publishing's natural remedy reports – so you already know the quality of information contained in our reports.

Today, I'd like to give you the opportunity to download our newest report for half price – only $16.98 (normally our reports sell for the low price of $33.97) because, frankly, we don't have any testimonials yet!

If you or someone you love is suffering from female/women's hair loss issues… or female hair thinning issues… then this report is really going to benefit you!

A few months ago, I asked my customers what a few of their top needs were for a natural remedy, and we had a TON of responses involving female hair loss.

So, I immediately put our research team to work!

Over the past 8 weeks, our team of highly qualified researchers have been searching libraries, medical journals, and the darkest corners of the internet, finding truly amazing discoveries involving natural cures and treatments for female hair loss… our report actually contains 5 “case studies” (located at the end), which share some phenomenal results…

…and today, finally, we've released the report!

For half price (for a limited time only!)

But, in order to get the report at this super-low price of $16.98… you MUST AGREE to do 3 things for me:

1) Take a BEFORE picture, TODAY, of your hair (especially any problem areas you may have) – and keep that picture (preferably a digital picture) stored on your computer…

2) FOLLOW the recommendations in the report CAREFULLY – every day, be consistent – don't miss a day! This is vitally important!

3) Take an AFTER picture within 2-4 weeks after you begin using the information in our report. And then SEND me both the BEFORE & AFTER pictures via email (you'll get the email address when you buy the report)

If you can agree to follow steps 1, 2 AND 3, then…

…you can read more about the report, and download it for half-price at (This page still says the price is $33.97… but the actual order page will have the half-price offer of $16.98 loaded in the shopping cart).

This special will only be available for a short time, so if this is a report you're interested in… you'll want to get your copy today! (And, even at half-price, we still offer our full, 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee!)

I look forward to hearing about, and SEEING YOUR RESULTS after you put this remedy to use!

For excellent health,


P.S. Some people have asked if we're going to release a MALE hair loss report… and frankly, I don't know yet. There are a lot of things contained in the Female report that will actually work great for men, too… but, a lot of men are just comfortable shaving their head and not worrying about it (guys like me…). But for women, going bald is simply NOT AN OPTION. That's why we tailored our research to women (and you'll be happy to know we found some amazing discoveries that are sure to help cure women's hair loss & hair thinning issues for good!)


