I’ve been listening to some really beautiful music lately that is called Wholetones: The Healing Music Frequency Project, and it’s like nothing I’ve ever heard before.

The musician, Michael S. Tyrrell, is a friend of mine and he released this project last year – after working on it for the past 10+ years. It’s already getting worldwide attention. People are sharing testimonials of how the music is relieving them of stress, helping insomniacs sleep through the night, turning ADHD kids into well-behaved A-students, and calming veterans with PTSD.

is this what angels sound likeFor me, it’s helped me focus on my work and be much more productive. It’s very soothing, relaxing, and peaceful.

Wholetones consists of 7 songs each 22 minutes and 22 seconds in length. Each song is recorded in a different frequency that experts say are “healing frequencies”. The first song, “Open Door”, is recorded in 396Hz, and I swear… when I listen to it, I can hear a choir of elels, beginning at the 7-minute mark.

Michael wants you to listen to this music for free, so he’s released 10 minutes of free samples that you can listen to at anytime you’d like. This music is so good, one young lady who had rheumatoid arthritis said she fell asleep at her computer listening to the samples… and when she woke up, her pain was gone!

Everyone I know has some level of stress in their life, so this music is for everybody. It promotes tangible healing on emotional, spiritual, relational and physical levels. You seriously just need to listen to it and find out what I’m talking about.

Click here now to listen to Wholetones Healing Frequency Music for FREE right now

You can listen to the samples, but I also highly recommend you get your own copy of Wholetones so you can enjoy all 156 minutes of this beautiful music whenever you’d like.

The best part about it is you don’t need to take any pills, or make any difficult lifestyle changes to experience positive transformation… just listen to the beautiful music of Wholetones!

You’ll be so glad you did. Also, please forward this email to 3 friends or family members who could use a little more peace and healing in their life.

P.S. What has been causing you the most stress lately? Today you can let the beautiful music of Wholetones bring peace and healing to your life.

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