If you’re reading this right now, chances are you’ve tried everything to solve your chronic digestive problems. Perhaps you’ve used probiotics, enzymes, and other natural therapies. Maybe …
If you’re reading this right now, chances are you’ve tried everything to solve your chronic digestive problems. Perhaps you’ve used probiotics, enzymes, and other natural therapies. Maybe …
How Antacids And PPI’s Can Destroy Your Health DRUG DANGER ALERT New Science Shows Hidden, Deadly Risk Of Common Heartburn And Reflux Drugs
If you take any over-the-counter drug for your acid reflux, heartburn, or GERD… including Prevacid and Prilosec,… this timely report directly affects you.
So take thirty seconds and read every word of this email. Carefully.
These commonly used drugs suffered a major setback last year (February 8, 2012) when the FDA warned that …
I’d encourage you to watch this special webinar presentation to find out what the “real reasons” are behind your digestion issues…
–> Click Here To See A Preview Of This Event <–
I recently met someone who’s doing amazing work …
Quick question…
Which of these five surprising, but common, acid reflux symptoms do you have?
Sore throat Cough Trouble swallowing Hoarseness Bitter tasteIf you experience two or more of these symptoms, especially if they are sometimes accompanied by heartburn, then you may have acid reflux disease.
Your first instinct might be to grab one of the common over-the-counter remedies, such as Prilosec, Prevacid, and other PPIs (“Proton Pump Inhibitors”). Don’t do it!!!
These PPIs …
The stomach has commonly been referred to as the second brain. Along the gut lining, there are billions of neuro receptors that regulate immune function, hormones and inflammation response, as well as nutrient absorption.
So, for a healthy digestive system, begin with beneficial flora like lactobacillus and acidophilus in the gut. When this “good bacteria“gets out of balance in your gut, then heartburn, digestive distress, energy depletion and many other symptoms result.
By supplementing with natural…