Watching your numbers go up and down can be a scary ride!
One month it’s up, so you take more of this and eat less of that. It comes down, but not enough… so here you go again.
Watching your numbers go up and down can be a scary ride!
One month it’s up, so you take more of this and eat less of that. It comes down, but not enough… so here you go again.
Remember horsing around as youngster…
… chasing other kids, everyone running about the same speed?
Then, one day, some of those kids started getting faster…
… and nobody could catch them anymore?
Their secret?
A special type of superhero muscle inside their bodies came alive.
It wasn’t just supreme athletic ability they enjoyed…
These fortunate few also went on to develop sculpted physiques:
…toned muscles, little body fat, nice angles and curves… even 6-pack abs!
It’s not just those …
“The word arthritis conjures up images of gnarled fingers and chronic pain.” We often assume that such conditions simply come with age and with no known cure. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
In this month’s issue of Home Cures That Work, Dr. Scott Saunders, MD, shares a wealth of information on how to prevent and restore degenerative joints. In this fact-filled article you’ll discover the common causes for osteoarthritis, what inflammation does to your …
In today’s article from one of our top trusted Nutritionists, you’ll discover a few shocking things about the food that you might be eating daily, including:
* Why certain so-called “healthy” vegetable oils (yes, including canola oil) are CAUSING heart disease, obesity, and possibly even cancer in your body
* The exact reasons why sugar is slowly killing you and your family (you can still enjoy dessert, but you NEED to know how to do it right to prevent damage …
Despite the fact that half of all prescriptions for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen are written for pain, those drugs do nothing more than blunt the pain—they have no long-term impact on relief.
If you’ve ever taken pain meds for your joint pain, then find out what these foods can do for you what decades of Big Pharma’s pills haven’t. You are what you eat, after all. What you put into your body has a big …