Did you know that most people with ADD/ADHD are actually born with perfectly normal brains?

An imbalance or lack of gut flora is the true culprit of ADD/ADHD. This lack of healthy flora allows for unhealthy microbes to damage and permeate the walls of the gut, which is called Leaky Gut Syndrome. When toxins then pass through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream, they are then taken to the brain and interfere with normal brain function.

Did you know that 75% of people with ADD/ADHD have Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leaky Gut Syndrome also creates an environment prime for allergies, parasites and other immune issues. 50% of people with ADD have parasites, 80% have immune deficiencies (mostly gastrointestinal) and 65% have food allergies.

In The Beginning…

What causes this imbalance of gut flora to begin with? It all starts at birth. When someone comes to me with ADD or ADHD, I always ask about his or her birth.

Babies are sterile in the womb and have no bacteria in their body. When they pass through the vaginal canal, they acquire their gut flora (bacteria) from the mother. This transfer of beneficial bacteria is complicated by the following:

  • C-Section (Baby is unable to acquire flora because they don’t pass through the vaginal canal)
  • Mom is on antibiotics during birth (for Strep B, etc.)
  • Mom has abnormal or out of balance flora
  • The baby is not breastfed and doesn’t receive good bacteria and other immune boosters from breast milk

Sometimes, a child can have an uncomplicated birth and even be breastfed, but they still end up with ADD or ADHD. This could possibly be caused by antibiotics, which kill off the good bacteria. Children treated with antibiotics for recurring ear infections are more likely to be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. Taking antibiotics repeatedly without replenishing your good flora with probiotics creates a toxic dump of microbes in the gut.

This is also the reason behind why those with ADD/ADHD have more sensitive immune systems. Without the proper amounts of good bacteria, their bodies cannot fight off microbes, bacteria, fungus, parasites and viruses.

Because the gut has never healed, many adults with ADD or ADHD also have other health issues, specifically intestinal in nature (gas, bloating, poor digestion, constipation, diarhhea, etc.). As a result, adult don’t grow out of ADD or ADHD and live with symptoms that keep them bound to not fulfilling their true potential.

Healing Leaky Gut

Diet is key. The most intense diet is the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Diet) This is a grain and dairy free diet that can actually heal the gut in 6-months to one year. Click Here for a simple leaky gut cure…

If you cannot commit to the full GAPS diet, cutting out sugar, most grains (especially wheat) and artificial ingredients can help a lot.

Supplements that Heal Leaky Gut

  • L-Glutamine rebuilds the mucosal lining in the intestinal tract. It also increases GABA in the brain, which helps with calming and relaxation.
  • Probiotics are healthy intestinal bacteria which help with digestion, the immune system and the overgrowth of bad bacteria.
  • N-Acetylglucosamine is a major contributor to the barrier layer that protects the intestinal lining from damaging intestinal contents.
  • Proteolytic enzymes help with digestion and absorption so undigested food particles don’t end up in the bloodstream.
  • Fish oil heals inflammation in the intestinal tract and helps with focus, concentration and mood in the brain.

Heal the Gut and Heal the Brain

There is good reason why the gut now has the nickname “The Second Brain.” Our gut health truly affects our brain health. Curing ADD and ADHD can happen and it starts by healing the gut. It really can be that simple.

