Another Illegal Cancer Cure In America

Gerson Therapy
Dr. Max Gerson was a medical doctor from Germany who immigrated to the United States in the 1930s. In order to cure himself of migraines, he put together a nutritional and supplemental regime. He later used a similar treatment to cure tuberculosis. Then, he started using the same natural treatment in the U.S. on cancer patients and saw incredible results.
Many with other “incurable diseases” have seen complete recovery with Gerson Therapy: diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and more have been cured. Anybody can benefit from Gerson Therapy, whether you have cancer or not.
Dr. Gerson believed that our bodies have the innate capacity to heal themselves, if given the correct nutrition. He also strongly believed in detoxification, because toxicity in the body causes disease. In order to see Gerson’s promised results, his strict natural protocol needs to be followed very closely.
The Gerson Protocol
There are 4 important steps in the Gerson Protocol.
1. Drink 13 glasses of fresh fruit and vegetable juice per day.
This juice contains enzymes, vitamins and minerals that help restore a weakened immune system.
2. Follow the Garson Diet Plan.
This is a vegetarian, low protein, low fat and low sodium diet. There are no processed foods and no animal products (including eggs and milk).
3. Coffee Enemas
Each day on the plan you must do a coffee retention enema. Coffee enemas facilitate the detoxification process in both the colon and the liver, to help flush poisons out of your body.
4. Nutritional Supplements
There are several supplements recommended during the Gerson Therapy. Three of the most important are:
- Lugol’s Solution
This is an iodine solution that helps boost the immune system and detox the body. - Potassium Compound Salts
Dr. Gerson believed that disease began with the loss of potassium in the cells. The potassium compound salts help rebuild potassium in the body. - B-12 and Niacin
These B vitamins are essential in cancer treatment.
For More Information
There are many more detailed instructions for the Gerson Protocol to benefit from that I did not mention. I recommend purchasing the book, “Healing the Gerson Way” by Dr. Gerson’s daughter Charlotte (who is now 89 years old and still in excellent health!).
You can also talk to a Gerson Health Counselor by calling 1-800-838-2256. They can connect you with real people with testimonies of the Gerson Therapy’s effectiveness. For example, if you have prostate cancer, then you can speak to someone who has been cured of prostate cancer using the Gerson Therapy.
I also recommend watching the online free documentaries, “The Beautiful Truth” and “The Gerson Miracle.” In these movies, Charlotte Gerson is interviewed and the Gerson Therapy is reviewed for its amazing curative effects. It also includes testimonies from those who were healed using the Gerson Protocol.
Just recently, one of my friends was diagnosed with breast cancer. It is unclear if she will choose a “non-medical” approach or not. Regardless, it made me think about what natural avenue I would pursue for cancer treatment in the unfortunate case of being diagnosed with cancer myself. I am positive that I would “Go Gerson.” The Gerson Protocol has had an 80+year track record of healing thousands with cancer and I would trust my body with the Gerson Therapy.
Your body can truly heal itself. Look into the Garson Therapy and spread the word. Knowledge is power and, in this case, knowledge could just save someones life.
Dear Sir..
I came to the US with large B Cell Lymthoma
This came on me in Ireland in approx 3 mths
I was on my way to landsarote Of the coast of Africe, I had convinced the attorney genarale
of that Island that he needed a pemanate Diesel Mechanic Living on his Island.
So he Granted me Living / Work Status for life..In the next few weeks I contracted this Camcer..
Basicly I was up a creek with out a Paddle …The Hospitall in Ireland told me that I had only 2Wk ‘s
To get my Will in order ..That hit me like a 2x 4 And got my attention
I called my sister in Ft Worth Texas who is a Paramedic / Firefighter
My Sister invited me over to stay the rest of my life with someone who cared.
I did sign myself out of Hospitall and flew here ..The great thing was I had only asked for a Std Ticket .. But the Airline upgraded me to first Class …
This is Our God hearing my Prayers . I give all praise to Him
When I landed here in Dallas The Air pressure on decent to land was Unbearable ..
I collapsed unconscious , Firefighters Had to get me off the plane ..
My sister was able to get to me and I was transported to JPS Ft WorthI spent the next 6 Mth’s in a bed there With the 3rd ranked oncollagest in Medicine .
Treating me with 8 Different Chemo’s , 26 Radiation …None of the treatment worked The Chemo kept Cancer Back ….But IT is not a Cure.
After the chemo wears off ,,. Cancer comes back with a vengeance …
I was Advised to go to a Hospital in Houston ……They wanted to charge me I million To go in there And another Million before i could leave ..I went to Annapolis Navy Hospital They had a new treatment Starting soon
This turned out to Proton therapy ……So I was elegable for the treatment …
In 6Mth’s Time when they received the OK from GovernmentOn the way back we met a Guy who had had treament from is friend a Dr -=-==—-
He had taken Pro biotic 10 x Billion Strength + Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar …
I was told to take 4=6 Capsules a Day and 1 table spoon off Braggs a Day..
Braggs is an acquired Taste So if you cant stand it dilute with Orange Drink etc…
Or in Glass of teaIt was 9 Mth’s before they called me back …..
We drove all night to get to Annapolis Hospital ..
They Ask me to get a new Scan for them to view on the way up to Doctors Office .
We did . when Doctors looked at Scan they stated that ,I had NO Cancer in my body /….//
My Girl Friend at the Time , Asked them to light me Up with a PET Scan…
This they did ,, All I had left was Scar TissueI had NO Cancer in my Body …..This has been 5 yr’s Cancer Free
Not RemissionTerry Conroy
Thank You
Terry Conroy
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