I want to share a Valentine’s Day note from my father-in-law given to my mother-in-law last year for Valentine’s Day. She was so touched by the note she thought I might want to share it on my blog. I do want to share it with all of you, so read below and treasure the value of a “period” with your loved ones.

Happy Valentine’s Day, from all of us at Barton Publishing!

Or, better described as “A Valentine Lesson In Grammar!”

Any elementary level English teacher would be in earnest to teach you that in order to construct a complete sentence all that is necessary is three elements:

  1. A subject, which is usually a noun.
  2. A verb, which is usually an action word.
  3. A predicate, which is usually another noun to receive the action.

Herein lies a problem. The sentence is yet incomplete. What is missing is the element which declares the function of the statement. The necessary element is the “Punctuation Mark” which appears at the end of the sentence.

What kind of sentence is it?

Is this a declarative statement, which simply states a fact? Thus, requiring a simple period.

Is it a question that is being asked? In which case, one would use a question mark.

If the statement were an exclamatory remark, then one would end the sentence with an exclamation point!

Were the message to be relayed a list of ongoing descriptive words it might be ended with a series of dots……… (indicating a number of nuances or conditions).

So, what does any of this have to do with Valentine’s Day anyway? Lots!

How many Valentines greeting cards are laden with all kinds of mushy words and “I Love You” because:

  • You’re beautiful
  • You’re sexy
  • You’re humorous
  • You are a good cook
  • You are a good mother
  • Etc. etc.
  • ???

I Love You… because of this … or….that…. are basically reflections of a conditional love. But, what if over the course of years, you stopped being every one of these things. Would I still love you? The only logical response would be “no.” If my reasons for loving all have something to do with your qualities – and then those same qualities suddenly or gradually disappear – my basis for love is over.

The only way love can last a lifetime is if it’s unconditional love. And I choose to love you unconditionally. I no longer have to say, “I love you because……”

I LOVE YOU, PERIOD.” (A complete sentence!)


