Each new day brings more forgotten facts — and precious memories lost, forever.
It doesn’t have to be this way.…
Each new day brings more forgotten facts — and precious memories lost, forever.
It doesn’t have to be this way.…
Revealed: the TRUE power of healing frequency music therapy…
7 Amazing New “Musical Tones” Found to Relieve Stress, Promote Healing, Break Negative Cycles, Erase Shame & Guilt, and Restore Damaged DNA… In MinutesWhat if I told you that by simply listening to a certain kind of music your body could unlock the power to correct emotional and physical ailments … even deadly diseases?
I know – you’d think I was nuts!
But you’d be wrong because…
I’ve witnessed …
When we were young, collagen was the most abundant protein in our bodies and important for numerous bodily functions. But after age 50 our collagen levels drop. So we need to be intentional about getting it into our diet. Collagen is vital for the health of our gut, hair and nails, skin, joints, sleep, and even weight loss.
A month or so ago I asked a co-worker’s friend to try collagen and see for herself …
Nothing says Fall better than a beautiful orange pumpkin. But, pumpkins aren’t just for decoration or making Jack-O-Lanterns. They are extremely healthy for you and are Fall’s superfood!
Pumpkin is packed full of:
Beta-carotene – Prevents aging and infections Vtamin C – Promotes collage production, boosts immunity and fights free radicals Potassium – Prevents onset of cardiovascular disease and hypertension And fiber – Great for constiptation or indigestion, as well as regulating cholesterol and blood…Do you know how most CoQ10 is made?
Learn the shocking truth you won’t find on the label.
You’ve probably heard about the many amazing ways that taking a Coenzyme Q10 supplement can benefit your health, from increased energy and mental clarity to significantly improved heart health. In fact, the effects of CoQ10 are so well established that it has become one of the most popular supplements, and many doctors, even …