Researchers at the Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland showed that coconut oil could destroy stains of Streptococcus bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria are notorious for instigating tooth decay! Dr. Damien Brady and his team tested coconut …
Researchers at the Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland showed that coconut oil could destroy stains of Streptococcus bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria are notorious for instigating tooth decay! Dr. Damien Brady and his team tested coconut …
You might not think anything sweet can be connected with a medical journal called Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Well, the DHB begs to differ. The June issue of the professional publication includes a Dutch research study finding medical-grade honey kills bacteria that show characteristics of resisting antibiotic drugs. Scientists tested the honey’s healing power in both test tubes and on the forearms of healthy volunteers willing to be swabbed with bacteria.
While medical-grade honey has been closely studied and championed …
Hand sanitizer gets a lot of positive press and is used by millions of people. It is praised for it’s amazing ability to kill germs and prevent the spreading of disease. However, hand sanitizer has a dark side that could damage your health that most people know nothing about.
You can find hand sanitizer just about everywhere. It is a staple in almost every woman’s purse and diaper bag, in most school classrooms and in every hospital room. You can …
Stop me if you’ve heard this one (and you probably have about this antibiotic discovery of penicillin story…)
When a poor Scottish farmer named Fleming heard cries of distress coming from a nearby bog, he ran to rescue a young boy who was stuck in the black muck.
Then next day, the boy’s father, a nobleman, paid a visit to the Fleming farm and offered a generous reward. But Fleming refused to accept money for doing what any decent person …
Want a simple, cleaner, safer way to clean your home and work place?
Would you like to put an extra $500-$600 dollars back in your pocket …