6 ways to tell the difference, with effective home remedies for each. What doesn’t work? Worth noting are antibiotics, which destroy bacteria, but are no help against cold viruses. As for Echinacea, a recent analysis had mixed …
6 ways to tell the difference, with effective home remedies for each. What doesn’t work? Worth noting are antibiotics, which destroy bacteria, but are no help against cold viruses. As for Echinacea, a recent analysis had mixed …
This month’s issue of Home Cures That Work is now available online.
Check out the current issue on the Common Cold now to learn simple, natural ways to attack and finally beat the common cold. You’ll find cold fighting heroes to stock up on so you can chase away the germs at the first sight of a sneeze.
Dr. Saunders Cure for the Common ColdSooner or later, everyone suffers coughing, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, and fever that we …
More than likely, there’s a bear shaped honey bottle in your cupboard. This is liquid honey, which is probably pasteurized (most grocery store honey is to prevent crystallization), and if you check the label there’s a good chance it is blended from many sources. Now go check – was I right?
This description is what most people think of when they think honey. Though always found in the kitchen; it’s usually used only here and there. On …
I am vehemently against the flu shot. Seeing the propaganda surrounding getting your “yearly flu shot” nauseates me. I can’t even go grocery shopping during flu season without seeing a flu shot booth conveniently set up near the checkout lines.
Big pharmaceutical companies have literally taken over our health care system. These so-called “preventative” flu shots make big corporations like Glaxo Smith Kline over a billion dollars a year, while the cases of flu continue to rise.Studies
There is a real risk to thinking vaccines are anything but dangerous.
Leading researchers have noticed serious allergic reactions occur long after children get vaccinations. Evidence reveals that interfering with a blossoming immune system will do more harm than help.
Once your immune system is disturbed by vaccinations, the odds are set against you ever having an allergy free life. (1)
In reality, catching “a bug” early on actually strengthens your immune system so it can better handle future bugs …